Showing posts with label Art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

20080623 Obama for change

Barack Obama for change

Because that is all you will have left when he’s done.

June 24, 2008 - - The base idea for this image was passed on to me in an email from “CJ.”

I guess it resonated with me as the presumptive Democrat nominee for president’s conversation so far about economics and taxation is a major concern for me as I ponder the merits of his candidacy of the Oval Office.

At my advanced age I can easily recognize political silliness when I see it and I refuse to be distracted.

Barack Obama appears to be an honorable man who wants to be president and I admire him for his accomplishments.

My heart and prayers go out to him and his family when I hear or read the vicious personal attacks over drivel that ultimately I really don’t give a rat’s backside over. It’s all so boring and an unnecessary distraction of high chair food fight proportions.

I don’t really care what Rev. Wright has said or when he said it. I don’t care about what Senator Obama’s wife said or when she said it.

I’m not fooled by the recent marketing makeover with his appearance on People magazine or Mrs. Obama’s chattiness on “The View.” I have no interest in voting “for the friendly guy next door” to be president.

I care about issues such as who is going to protect us from foreign aggressors. I care about national defense.

I care about the economy. I care about the class warfare being promoted, disguised as taxation policy.

I care about the deleterious affects of our nation’s lack of a coherent energy independence policy.

I care about who has the experience necessary to be president.

I care about who is going to appoint the next several Supreme Court justices.

If I were to have a choice between “a third term for the Bush Administration” or “Jimmy Carter’s second”; I’ll take “Bush’s third term” in a nanosecond.

Although I realize that Republican presumptive presidential nominee John McCain is certainly no George W. Bush and I have not, as yet mistaken Senator Obama for President Jimmy Carter…

Anyway - I played with the base idea for the image; re-arranged it and added to it and voila.

Please cut and paste this image and distribute it widely…

20080623 Obama for change

Monday, April 28, 2008

20080428 The Havenator

The Havenator

April 28, 2008

In a recent phone call to a certain quintessential town in Carroll, I was greeted on the phone by the friendliest and perkiest town official, who put me through to the “MML Employee of the Year.” (“Meoy” – for short. Pronounced ‘meow.’)

As I chatted with Meoy, WAB, I remembered that I have had a number of requests to post the “Havenator Series” on the blog.

Soooo, without further adieu – here goes:


“Q” May 10, 2008

Hampstead Mayor Havenator Q. Shoemaker and former-Westminster Mayor Kevin Dayhoff share a moment as they reminisce about the “old days.” October 10, 2006 by Kevin Dayhoff (with a Chris Ammann photo.)

“The Operation on Q.” May 13, 2004 Hampstead Mayor “The Havenator” Q. Shoemaker undergoes an “operation at the hands of his family and Westminster Mayor Kevin Dayhoff.


Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.

Kevin Dayhoff’s Facebook photo album

Kevin Dayhoff’s Facebook page

E-mail him at: kdayhoff AT or kevindayhoff AT

His columns and articles appear in The Tentacle -; Westminster Eagle Opinion;, Winchester Report and The Sunday Carroll Eagle – in the Sunday Carroll County section of the Baltimore Sun. Get Westminster Eagle RSS Feed

“When I stop working the rest of the day is posthumous. I'm only really alive when I'm writing.” Tennessee Williams

Thursday, April 24, 2008

20080423 An apparition of Governor Robert L. Ehrlich

An apparition of Governor Robert L. Ehrlich

April 23, 2008

Yesterday, as I walked down Fourth Street in Winston-Salem, North Carolina; I happened to look up at the building at One West Fourth Street, where the offices of “Womble Carlyle” are located and there it was…

It was, well, it was, ah – Gov. Bob.

He’s everywhere… He’s everywhere - - but where we sorely need him these days – in the statehouse in Annapolis, Maryland.

Fortunately I had my camera readily available and snapped a photo. See for yourself.


See also:

My columns on The Tentacle


April 23, 2008

The Winds of Darkness

Kevin E. Dayhoff

On April 12, Gov. Martin O’Malley announced his administration’s opposition to the construction of wind power generators on public lands under the jurisdiction of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources.

April 9, 2008

Wendi Peters – Mount Airy’s Steel Magnolia

Kevin E. Dayhoff

People were delighted to see former Maryland Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr., last Friday when he came to Frederick County in support of Mount Airy Councilwoman Wendi Wagner Peter’s re-election bid.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

20080423 Tofu Dusk at the Mellow Mushroom

Tofu Dusk at the Mellow Mushroom

The story of the tofu sandwich at the “Mellow Mushroom” in six parts.

April 23, 2008 by Kevin Dayhoff

Winston-Salem, North Carolina - - This is the story of Mrs. Owl and I having hummus with pita bread, a tofu sandwich and a calzone; at the “Mellow Mushroom,” 4th and Marshall St., Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The story is told in six – or so parts…


1. Winston-Salem, North Carolina 04/23/2008

2. 4th and Marshall St., Winston-Salem, North Carolina 04/23/2008

3. Mellow Mushroom, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 04/23/2008

4. Ms. Salem Editing, Mellow Mushroom, 314 West 4th St., Winston-Salem, North Carolina. 04/23/2008

5. Ms. Salem Editing et les amis, Mellow Mushroom, 314 West 4th St., Winston-Salem, North Carolina. 04/23/2008

6. Mrs. Owl, the newspaper reader, Mellow Mushroom, 314 West 4th St., Winston-Salem, North Carolina. 04/23/2008

7. And the band played on… Winston-Salem guitar player… Winston-Salem, North Carolina 04/23/2008

The end

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.

E-mail him at: kdayhoff AT or kevindayhoff AT

His columns and articles appear in The Tentacle -; Westminster Eagle Opinion;, Winchester Report and The Sunday Carroll Eagle – in the Sunday Carroll County section of the Baltimore Sun. Get Westminster Eagle RSS Feed

“When I stop working the rest of the day is posthumous. I'm only really alive when I'm writing.” Tennessee Williams

Accept differences, Be kind, Count your blessings, Dream, Express thanks, Forgive, Give freely, Harm no one, Imagine more, Jettison anger, Keep confidences, Love truly, Master something, Nurture hope, Open your mind, Pack lightly, Quell rumors, Reciprocate, Seek wisdom, Touch hearts, Understand, Value truth, Win graciously, Xeriscape, Yearn for peace, Zealously support a worthy cause. (Author; Renee Stewart)

Friday, February 8, 2008

20080207 “Traveling with Mr. Moose” and “Leaving Orlando Airport”

“Traveling with Mr. Moose” and “Leaving Orlando Airport

Daily Photoblog

February 7th, 2008

Kevin Dayhoff

20080207 “Traveling with Mr. Moose” and “Leaving Orlando Airport”

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

20080205 The Law of the Garbage Truck

The Law of the Garbage Truck.

February 5, 2008

Hat Tip: Analog

I received this in an e-mail and found it worthy of passing along:

How often do you let other people change your mood? Do you let a bad driver, rude waiter, curt boss, or an insensitive employee ruin your day? Unless you're the Terminator, for an instant you're probably set back on your heels.

However, the mark of a successful person is how quickly she/he can get back her/his focus on what's important.

Five years ago I learned this lesson in the back of a taxicab in Indianapolis.

Here's what happened: I hopped in a taxi and we took off for the airport. We were driving in the right lane when suddenly a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us.

My taxi driver slammed on his breaks, skidded, and missed the other car by just inches!

The driver of the other car whipped his head around and started yelling at us.

My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And, I mean, he was really friendly.

So I asked, 'Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital.'

This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call, 'The Law of the Garbage Truck.'

He explained that many people are like garbage trucks.

They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it and some times they'll dump it on you.

Don't take it personally.

Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Don't take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home, or on the streets.

The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage trucks take over their day.

Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so...

Love the people who treat you right. Pray for the ones who don't.


20080205 The Law of the Garbage Truck

Friday, January 11, 2008

20080111 I am exercising - Blogging is hard work.

I am exercising - Blogging is hard work
True Geek!

January 11, 2008

Will someone please tell my well-intentioned sister-in-law, that I am exercising? Blogging is hard work.

Can someone run to the frig and get me another Arizona Green Tea with ginseng and honey so that I may have my beauty and taste revived. I’m kinda exhausted over here…


Sunday, October 7, 2007

20071006 Katie Couric praises Attila

Katie Couric praises Attila

October 6th, 2007

“Happy Anniversary Attila! Luv ya man,” praised an effusive Ms. Couric as news of the Pillage Idiot’s third anniversary was received with accolades from all over the globe.

Attila over at the Pillage Idiot has been enlightening readers now since October 5th, 2004. We have now delightfully enjoyed his work for three years.

Accolades have poured-in from all over the universe, but here at Soundtrack, we were especially touched by Katie Couric’s heartfelt best wishes…

Happy Birthday Attila.


Saturday, July 28, 2007

Carroll County 4H & FFA Fair: July 28- August 3, 2007

Carroll County 4H & FFA Fair: July 28- August 3, 2007

For more information call: 410-848-FAIR

or go to:

For more articles and information on “Soundtrack” about the Fair click here: Carroll Co. 4-H Fair

Click here for Fair Schedule – or here.


Carroll Co. 4-H Fair:

Click here for Fair Schedule:


20070728 Carroll County 4H FFA Fair July 28 August 3 2007
08 2007 Carroll County 4H & FFA Fair: July 28- August 3, 2007
09 2007 Carroll Co 4H FFA Fair

Carroll County 4H & FFA Fair: July 28- August 3, 2007

Carroll County 4H & FFA Fair: July 28- August 3, 2007

For more information call: 410-848-FAIR

or go to:

For more articles and information on “Soundtrack” about the Fair click here: Carroll Co. 4-H Fair

Click here for Fair Schedule – or here.


Carroll Co. 4-H Fair:

Click here for Fair Schedule:


20070728 Carroll County 4H FFA Fair July 28 August 3 2007
08 2007 Carroll County 4H & FFA Fair: July 28- August 3, 2007
09 2007 Carroll Co 4H FFA Fair

Kevin Dayhoff Westgov.Net: Westminster Maryland Online

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

20070606 Dwight Dingle and The Mamas and the Papas

Dwight Dingle and The Mamas and the Papas

June 6th, 2007 by Kevin Dayhoff

I had been in contact with Dwight several times recently as he is included in my Wednesday, June 6th, 2007 Westminster Eagle column… (As I post this it is not online yet.)

In my column Dwight is credited with remarking:

“I reached Dwight Dingle, a radio personality with WTTR since 1974, on the phone last weekend, while he was in Ocean City with other station staff members, where WTTR was receiving five Associated Press awards.

He said that he was a “The Mamas & the Papas” fan. He was a student at Towson State College when the “Sgt. Pepper” album came out. However, he remembers well that his roommate, “Buck” Jones, the former principle of East Middle School and now the principle of Carroll Lutheran School, was a big Beatles Fan…

Mr. Dingle thought the album cover for “Sgt. Pepper” was fascinating but “it doesn’t compare with “The Mamas & the Papas” album cover with the all the members of the band in a bathtub…”

Hmmm. Perhaps someone may want to call Dwight up at WTTR and ask him “on-air” to explain his affection for that “The Mamas & the Papas” album cover…?

The album, “If You Can Believe Your Eyes and Ears” debuted in March 1966 and it has one of my all-time favorite songs on it – “California Dreamin’.” The first of ultimately three covers for the album, (now a valuable collector’s item) was banned in the United States “as indecent,” (for the silliest reasons – by today’s standards; and not because it contained errors in grammar.) Have Dwight tell you the story…

So just what is the explanation as to why Mr. Dwight Dingle is on The Mamas and the Papas” cover for the album, “If You Can Believe Your Eyes and Ears?

Perhaps you may wanna give him a call to find out…


Wednesday, February 28, 2007

20070228 Best Shoes of the Day

Best Shoes of the Day – The Daily Shoe Watch

February 28th, 2007

I found this wonderful pair of shoes at a local frame shop in WestminsterGizmos Art, Lyndi McNulty's. Aren’t they just divine?

If you ever been in Gizmos during the day the place is regular bee hive of activity and here at “Soundtrack” we were really appreciative that this nice young lady stopped for two seconds to let us capture an image of her shoes for everyone to admire.

For more on Shoes – go here.

For more on Gizmos Art, Lyndi McNulty's – go here.


Sunday, January 7, 2007

20070103 Jamie Kelly and Megyn Kendall link rumors denied

Jamie Kelly and Megyn Kendall link rumors denied

January 3rd, 2007 – January 6th, 2007

It what can only be understand as “news” to a certain someone in Mr. Jamie Kelly’s life; rumors of a link between Fox News Channel journalist Megyn Kendal and our own Jamie Kelly of the Carroll County Times, were vigorous denied by Mr. Kelly in a recent phone call.

Avid readers of the Carroll County Times are usually aware when various members of the local paper’s news staff go missing from time-to-time.

And it was not unnoticed that Carroll County Times city desk editor Jamie Kelly took some time off recently

Then, as a coincidence(?) it was announced as the new year began, that Fox News Channel personality Megyn Kendall has changed her name – to Kelly.


FishbowlDC reported that she changed her name back to her maiden name.

Could this be a ruse to put us off the trail of a breaking news story right here at home in Carroll County? Inquiring minds want to know.

First, on June 22, 2006, there was an oblique link between Jamie Kelly and Megyn Kelly…

But rumors really began flying as early as last July 28th, 2006, when it was rumored that Mr. Kelly was spotted with Ms. Kendall at the Cafe Milano in DC eating pizza.

Ms. Kendall “was wearing a tight white strapless summer dress and looked gorgeous. She also is sporting platinum blonde hair now. She sat in the corner seat at the bar on the left as you walk into the bar area.”

And Mr. Kelly, well, he was dressed in his usual young journalist attire; jeans, blue shirt – with the shirt tail hanging out, a new brown and yellow stripped sweater. Reports were that he looked rather dapper.

And then, the day after Christmas, Ms. “Kendall (was spotted) at the Pentagon City Nordstrom… She was wandering around men’s furnishings talking on her cellphone. She’s very attractive (not just hot for D.C.), but she definitely looks older in person than on t.v. She also has a smoker’s voice that’s kind of sexy on t.v., but not so much in person.”

Well, we all know that Mr. Kelly is a clothes-horse and loves Nordstrom.

Is it that Mr. Kelly, who has recently been feeling a bit under the weather, has been running himself ragged in his double-life?

Is it all just a coincidence?

Then how does one explain this photo that has recently surfaced?

“Photoshop” says Mr. Kelly.

“That’s just crap and you know it," responded Mr. Kelly (with a smile.) “There is no truth to the rumor that I’ve hooked-up with Megyn Kendall – or Kelly, or whatever her name is,” waxed Mr. Kelly.

Meanwhile, Jeff Bercovici and John Cook posting on “Radar Online” has reported upon a possible link between Ms. Megyn Kelly and Brit Hume.

For months, a rumor has been circulating among TV news insiders in Washington, D.C., and New York that Brit Hume, Fox News Channel's managing editor in Washington and host of prime-time hour Special Report, has been having an extramarital affair with a younger colleague. The object of his alleged attentions: Megyn Kendall, a general-assignment correspondent who has been with the network since 2004.

There is no evidence to suggest that the rumors are true. Of the half-dozen sources who relayed the allegation to Radar, none could claim first-hand knowledge, and several Fox insiders said they believed it to be false. Still, the whispers have grown so loud that Hume and Kendall have been forced to deny them repeatedly to curious colleagues. (One Fox source said Hume seemed genuinely amused and somewhat flattered to be linked by gossip to the attractive and much younger Kendall.) A Fox spokesperson also flatly denied it, and suggested it was being "shopped around" by enemies of the network.

(Well, one thing is for sure, here at Soundtrack, we know that we totally made-up a connection between Jamie Kelly and Megyn Kelly because, well, we just couldn’t help ourselves. Mr. Kelly is way too much fun and besides, it was too good a coincidence and a wonderful photoshopping opportunity.)

For now, we’re going to take Mr. Kelly at his word. But we’ll keep our ears to the ground and you’ll be the first to know if we find any additional information on this story of intrigue and wonder.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

20060822 Defiant mannequin arrested claims - self defense

Defiant mannequin arrested claims - self defense

Westminster, California

August 22, 2006

By Kant Betrue, Rhoiders

Chaos ensued in a local J.C. Penney Co. store recently when a rouge mannequin attacked a hapless shopper looking for the right blouse.

Police were called and sources close to the incident have reported that a mannequin was arrested at the scene and hauled off in handcuffs.

Defiant throughout the ordeal, the mannequin, (who may or may not be an android,) latter identified as Mrs. Roberto Caricature, said that she was only acting in self-defense.

The Department of Homeland Defense immediately raised the national threat level to a soft yellow-orange crèmesicle, for possible mannequin uprising activity.

According to published accounts, Mrs. Innocent Civilian, 51, “said she was ambushed by a legless female mannequin at the company's Westminster Mall store, a skirmish that left her with a bloodied scalp, a cracked tooth, recurring shoulder pain and numbness in her fingers.”

The Associated Press reports, Ms. Civilian “said the incident happened… in the women's department, as she was shopping for a blouse. The only one in her size was on the mannequin. As a salesclerk was removing the garment, the dummy's arm flew off and struck” Ms. Civilian in the head…

Ms. Civilian, of Westminster, (no relation to Isaac or Fig,) remarked that since the alleged “run-in with a store mannequin,” she has been traumatized by the incident and “something must be done with the rampant abuse of shoppers at the hands of lawless mannequins.”

The Los Angels Times reports, the “alleged attack was the latest in a string of mannequin mayhem incidents nationwide.

"There are a slew of lawsuits like this," said mannequin manufacturer Barry Rosenberg, who joked that stores should run background checks on dummies before letting them mingle with shoppers.

“Most of the cases involved mannequins toppling over onto customers, but an Indiana woman claimed she caught herpes from the lips of a CPR training dummy. She dropped her lawsuit against the American Red Cross in 2000 after further tests revealed that she didn't have the disease, according to news reports.”

Meanwhile, the mannequin, Mrs. Roberto Caricature, claims self-defense.

Seems the mannequin had a bad childhood. It wasn’t her fault.

Ms. Caricature explained loudly as she was lead away in handcuffs, that she was particular modest and had “tired of folks just taking her clothes off in public and leaving her exposed.”

“I have my rights,” she extolled, according to police reports. “People just walk to us mannequins all the time and fondle and ogle us. It’s not right I tell ya. It’s not right.”

"'My mom got beat up by a mannequin' was the joke around my house, "Ms. Civilian said.

For Mrs. Caricature, it is not a laughing matter. “Mannequins across the land are demanding our rights. We’re tired of being victimized.”

Mrs. Caricature, who claims to be an “adroidaquin,” the child of a marriage between an android and a mannequin, claims that she is tired of the abuse. “We dream of electric sheep too,” she elaborated.

The Los Angeles Times, for which it has long been suspected of being run by mindless, stateless androids, agreed. (There are no American flags in front of the building…)

“Getting roughed up by a dummy isn't a slapstick affair. The fiberglass figures can weigh as much as 100 pounds, said Rosenberg, chief executive of Mondo Mannequins in Hicksville, N.Y.

“He added that his company had been named in numerous lawsuits by retailers who themselves have been sued over dummy-related injuries.

“Mannequin maulings and litigation aren't new. In 1990, a Florida woman collected $175,000 after a faceless Macy's dummy fell onto her neck and reportedly injured a disc.

“In 1993, a Minnesota woman was knocked unconscious by a falling mannequin at a Dayton's department store, according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune. She needed five stitches and several chiropractic sessions to recover but didn't sue.

“And in 2001, a Canadian shopper in Vancouver won a $330,000 verdict after a Gap store mannequin landed on her head. Elizabeth Ball was apparently jinxed when it came to store displays. A few years earlier, while shopping at a lighting store, she was beaned by a falling chandelier, according to the Canadian Press.”


Thursday, August 17, 2006

20060816 Vota for Mona

Thursday, August 17, 2006

“Vota for Moana”

© Kevin Dayhoff

August 16th, 2006

This is the season for signs.

Recently your intrepid blogger found this group of signs at Main Street and the railroad tracks in Westminster MD.

Mystery surrounds just what Ms. Mona Lisa is running for.

In a related matter, we asked Westminster’s administrator of economic development, Stanta Ruchlewicz, about the economic impact of the Carroll County election season. “Well, ya know, it brings dollars into downtown Westminster,” remarked Mr. Ruchlewicz. “Recently it is about the only thing that’s happening in these parts.”

Asked if he knew just what office Ms. Lisa was running for, Mr. Ruchlewicz responded, “Don’t know. Don’t really care as long as the mysterious sign brings money into Westminster. It’s kinda neat, if I may say so myself.”

Jeff Glass, Westminster’s assistant director for parks, buildings, streets, water, wastewater, kitchen sinks, development review, planning, fly swatters, public works, utilities maintenance and the soundtrack division of old silent movies said, “It’s like a Norman Rockwell moment. America at its best.”

Asked how long the sign for Ms. Lisa has been at the intersection, “Don’t know. Been kinda busy recently,” remarked the assistant director for parks, buildings, streets, water, wastewater, kitchen sinks, development review, planning, fly swatters, public works, fleet management, kite flying, road sign, grass clippings removal, utilities maintenance and the soundtrack division of old silent movies.

Marianne Sheehan, the administrative assistant for the assistant director for parks, buildings, streets, water, wastewater, kitchen sinks, development review, planning, fly swatters, public works, fleet management, kite flying, road sign, grass clippings removal, utilities maintenance, letters and art, heavy metal music and the soundtrack division of old silent movies, remarked that the sign “looked good in that location and that it went well with the overall ambiance of downtown Westminster.”

Wayne Reifsnider, the assistant superintendent for streets, buildings, and parks said, “Well, ya know… Well, it’s a free country and people have a right to put up signs on private property, ya know. But I don’t know, ya know. Then on the other hand, well, ya know, it’s a neat sign and I just do my job. Mind my own business, ya know. Well, I best be moving along. See ya.”

More on this developing story as it unravels.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. E-mail him at: Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report has moved to

20060816 Vota for Mona

“Vota for Mona”

© Kevin Dayhoff

August 16th, 2006

This is the season for signs.

Recently your intrepid blogger found this group of signs at Main Street and the railroad tracks in Westminster MD.

Mystery surrounds just what Ms. Mona Lisa is running for.

In a related matter, we asked Westminster’s administrator of economic development, Stanta Ruchlewicz, about the economic impact of the Carroll County election season. “Well, ya know, it brings dollars into downtown Westminster,” remarked Mr. Ruchlewicz. “Recently it is about the only thing that’s happening in these parts.”

Asked if he knew just what office Ms. Lisa was running for, Mr. Ruchlewicz responded, “Don’t know. Don’t really care as long as the mysterious sign brings money into Westminster. It’s kinda neat, if I may say so myself.”

Jeff Glass, Westminster’s assistant director for parks, buildings, streets, water, wastewater, kitchen sinks, development review, planning, fly swatters, public works, utilities maintenance and the soundtrack division of old silent movies said, “It’s like a Norman Rockwell moment. America at its best.”

Asked how long the sign for Ms. Lisa has been at the intersection, “Don’t know. Been kinda busy recently,” remarked the assistant director for parks, buildings, streets, water, wastewater, kitchen sinks, development review, planning, fly swatters, public works, fleet management, kite flying, road sign, grass clippings removal, utilities maintenance and the soundtrack division of old silent movies.

Marianne Sheehan, the administrative assistant for the assistant director for parks, buildings, streets, water, wastewater, kitchen sinks, development review, planning, fly swatters, public works, fleet management, kite flying, road sign, grass clippings removal, utilities maintenance, letters and art, heavy metal music and the soundtrack division of old silent movies, remarked that the sign “looked good in that location and that it went well with the overall ambiance of downtown Westminster.”

Wayne Reifsnider, the assistant superintendent for streets, buildings, and parks said, “Well, ya know… Well, it’s a free country and people have a right to put up signs on private property, ya know. But I don’t know, ya know. Then on the other hand, well, ya know, it’s a neat sign and I just do my job. Mind my own business, ya know. Well, I best be moving along. See ya.”

More on this developing story as it unravels.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. E-mail him at: Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report has moved to

Thursday, June 22, 2006

20060621 Future issues and future elected officials in Carroll County

What are the candidates for elected office proposing for the future of Carroll County?

June 21, 2006 by Kevin Dayhoff

Considering that this is an election year, it looks like a portion of my social schedule will be attending political fundraisers.

I’m looking forward to attending as many political fundraisers as my pocketbook and time will allow. Besides it is well known that I like to eat.

For the most part you meet interesting folks who care about our community. I prefer to attend fundraisers as opposed to simply donating money to a particular candidate. Perhaps it is the frugal Carroll County farmer in me.

At a fundraiser I get to spend some time with exceptional community leaders who have decided to stick their necks out and give back to the community and ultimately, whether I support or not support the particular views of any specific candidate I applaud all candidates who leave the comfortable cocoon of their day-to-day lives and strive to contribute and make a difference.

Perhaps I am the eternal optimist, but I happen to think that there is no better place to live than Carroll County and things are only going to continue to get better.

The political season is young and we have time between now and the primary on September 12, 2006, however, many Carroll Countians are clamoring to hear discussions about plans and ideas about our future.

A word to the candidates, you lose me when you go negative. I don’t really care what went wrong last year or several years ago. I care about what are you going to do to continue to maintain our great Carroll County quality of life. I’m looking for the opportunities, the positive and a vision for the future.

I have no interest in personalities, although electing accessible, knowledgeable and friendly folks to be community leaders, who concentrate on the issues is always a plus.

So what are the issues? Okay, I’ll bite – here goes… Not in any particular order. And not necessarily as a function of what I agree with or disagree with for our future. Just to get the conversation started.

What will you do to bring Wi-Fi internet service to Carroll County so that we have universal access to high speed internet from one end of the county to the other. It is no longer a luxury. It is a quality of life issue. It is an economic development issue.

What will you do to bring about cable competition, so that we may have a choice?

What will you do to facilitate all folks from every corner in Carroll County having a say in government? The South Carroll, Finksburg and Mt. Airy areas of the county has grown a great deal over the last decade or so, they need to be a part of the future. Northern Carroll County has a stake in our future also.

What is your position on the municipal incorporation of Finksburg and Eldersburg? The best government is that government that is closest to the people we serve and many feel it would be better if folks from the Finksburg and Eldersburg area made many of their own decisions.

What are your proposals about the ensuring future supplies of water and wastewater treatment facilities in the county?

What is the future of solid waste management? What are your thoughts about waste-to-energy and generating electricity with our trash as opposed to hauling it out of the county and dumping it into a landfill?

What is the future of taxation in Carroll County? As demands for services and infrastructure improvements continue to rise, how are we going to pay for it and what do you propose to do about the increasing burden of residential property taxes?

What are your proposals for attracting economic development and jobs to Carroll County? Not only for the tax base, but to provide local employment for Carroll Countians.

What are your thoughts about expanding the opportunities provided by the Carroll County Regional Airport?

What are your proposals for future recreation opportunities for Carroll Countians?

Most everyone agrees in the importance of agricultural land preservation but what are your proposals to sustain the viability and future success of agriculture?

What is the future of public safety? What are your proposals to ensure adequate fire, emergency medical and police protection?

What will you do to develop workforce – affordable housing?

What your thoughts on ensuring an appropriate social welfare safety net for our neighbors who hit a bump in the road on the highway of life? What will you do to prevent and treat drug and alcohol abuse?

Talk with us about the future of schools and education? What will you do ensure adequate classrooms and continue the high quality of our schools? Tell us your plans for Carroll Community College?

What is the best future government of our county? Code Home Rule? Five commissioners? Charter government? The same form of government we currently have?

What will you do to facilitate appropriate, inclusive, civil and productive dialogue about our future?

What are your thoughts? I am considering making the subject of the issues that need to be discussed in the upcoming election season to be the topic of an upcoming Westminster Eagle column and I will appreciate your feedback so that the column may be as comprehensive as possible.

One last word on fundraisers: Alright, two words: Ice Cream.

Oh, and a word to candidates, I’ll be more than happy to post your response to this blogpost on E-mail me your thoughts and visions for Carroll County and I will put them up on the web-site – unedited - regardless of political affiliation or whether I agree or disagree.

Thanks a bunch.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.

E-mail him at:


Saturday, June 17, 2006

20060615 Dinner at Baughers

"Tinker, Evers to Chance"
(c) Kevn Dayhoff
June 15, 2006

Dinner at Baugher's with Caroline, some good friends and three legendary baseball players

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Thursday, June 15, 2006

Dinner at Harry’s
© Kevin Dayhoff
July 18th, 2006

Caroline and I enjoyed dinner out Tuesday evening at Harry’s Main Street in Westminster.

While we ate, we enjoyed the mellow sounds of “Blue suede shoes - blue note Harry.” The food was delicious, the service attentive, the company and conversation grand and a great time was had by all.

Doesn’t that look just like Harry? Whadda ya think?

For past posts about Harry’s Main Street, please see: “20060614 KDDC Dinner at Harry's” and “200600603 KDDC Can you guess who this community leader is?” After the page comes up, scroll down a bit to view the post…

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.
E-mail him at:

Kevin Dayhoff: Westminster Maryland Online