Wednesday, July 4, 2007

20070703 City street department walking the streets

Westminster Eagle

07/03/07 By Kevin E. Dayhoff

Westminster Street Department employees pause for a picture by the City’s new 2007 10-ton International multi-purpose diesel dump truck on June 15th, 2007. Photo by Caroline Babylon

When they are not operating equipment such as this you may very well find them walking the street.

Members of the Westminster Street Department include:

Larry Bloom, Butch DuVall, Bubba Strawsburg, Don Hann, Larry Pitinger, Michael Pupaza, Pat Walsh, Billy Walsh, John Robertson, John Linthicum, Hank Jarrell and Shawn Lockert.


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If you've been out and about in Westminster in the wee hours of the morning near the playground and City Hall, you may have noticed a group of burly men walking together.

Recently the Westminster Street Department employees began "trying to do a wellness campaign," and have been walking a mile just before work two days a week, according to Larry Bloom, Westminster's superintendent of Parks, Buildings and Streets.

"We're trying to encourage the employees to be healthier," said Bloom. "Hopefully the city will see a reduction in our health insurance premiums as a result."

"We have a mile course laid out that takes us by city hall and around the playground and back," he said.

Showing off a picture of a grandchild, department employee Butch Duvall said, "hopefully exercise will keep me around longer to watch this little one grow up. Exercise helps; gives ya more energy for the day and wakes the body up. I ain't gettin' no younger."

Bubba Strawsburg, too, said he wanted "to get in shape," but coworker John Robertson Sr. rolled his eyes and said, "Some of 'em jog."

Bloom said members of the department would like to walk three days a week, but right now it's two.

Another employee, who asked not to be identified, said Westminster City Administrator Marge Wolf was scheduled to join the group, but so far has been a "no-show."

When reached for an explanation, Wolf pledged that she's "going to do it too," but hasn't been able to work it in her schedule.

She also said she usually walks with her dog and the dog would be annoyed if she walked without it.

But one employee responded that Wolf's dog, too, "is welcome to join us."


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